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A case of bad traffic**

So you own a business and you need more clients/subscribers/viewers, in other words LEADS.

You probably have at least a Facebook page, and a website/ecommerce that ain't that mobile friendly yet.

You've tried some DIY Facebook ads to boost your traffic, probably even ventured into Google display since you still have a few bucks to spend from that international credit card no one should know about (Tunisian inside joke - cannot be understood by developed countries).

Weirdly enough, all this seems to be working. You've received a few more likes and even a few leads. So you decided to go bigger. Now your fan base and traffic are growing, yet your number of leads isn't picking up and growth is stagnating.

If you get a closer look at your fan base you'll probably find a few of these profiles "kiko_123", "miminaminoucha_DZ" or "Poupee_des_iles69". We're assuming these are not going to buy your product or attend your seminar about the future of spirulina.

This is a common case of high volumes of "bad" traffic/fan base.

No they're not bad people. In fact, they're probably bots, but by now you’ll have realized that high but random traffic won’t add much value.

Therefore, the focus should be on generating the right traffic, consisting of prospects who can significantly contribute to the growth of your business.

So here are a few tips:

Focus on the right channel

Lots of businesses make the mistake of trying to be on every single social media channel. You don’t need to do this. Just hang out where your target audience hangs out and focus your efforts on just a few social media channels.

Use & Abuse retargeting

Bring back previous visitors through remarketing. Why? Because they may have already purchased from you, or they may still be considering it. Revisiting your website might just be what they need to purchase again or to make that final decision.

Content is king

Review your branding, tone of voice, keywords to speak more directly to your target audience.

Target the right keywords

Start with high intent keywords. These are when a searcher is clearly indicating their intent to make a purchase. Some include: branded searches, specific products, product categories, affordable, buy, discount, deal, coupon, free shipping, best, cheapest, comparison, review and top.


Make sure your website is following the latest SEO (Search Engine Optimization) techniques and rules to ensure you are gaining relevant organic traffic. There are a lot of elements to SEO. It isn’t just about keywords, there is a technical aspect to it too.




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